• As part of the Monthly File Processing, net new accounts are created after Sony reviews
the kickout file. When the DSF file is processed, approved accounts are added to the
• A net new account must have a valid e-mail address to be created (provided by Sony)
• When a new account is created, the user receives a Welcome Direct E-mail* containing
username and password information at the e-mail address indicated on the file.
NOTE: Sony has the authority to roll up/inactivate accounts at will.
Sony Historical Participants
• Historical participants represent those inherited as part of the Rewarding Recording®
program with a previous vendor
• Historical Participants may or may not meet the enrollment requirements (i.e. – absence
of valid e-mail address*), but are allowed to participate in the program
*Username is always the participant e-mail address unless otherwise specified by
historical data or requested by Sony. Username and password information is NOT
case sensitive (i.e. – users may log in using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS or all lower case
letters or a CoMbInAtIoN of both)
V. Hierarchical Structure
• Participant Levels
• 100-VIP
• 200-Partipant
• 240-National
• 250-Regional Manager
• 300-District Sales Manager
• 800-Company
• 900-Guest
• Participant Level Types
• Online (ONL)
VI. Claiming Process
Only claims entered on-line or claims received via approved Dealer or Direct Sales file will be
accepted in the Rewarding Recording® program (no phone option).
The claiming deadline for any claim is 60 days from the invoice date.
The claiming process is outlined below for each type of program participant:
Online Participants
• Participants access their account and click on “Enter My Invoices”
• Participants read the claiming guidelines and update their profile information if necessary
• Participants click on “continue” and are able to view the online claim form
• Participants complete the required information on the claim form:
o Dealer invoice number
o Dealer Invoice date – enter date cannot be more than 60 days after the
invoice date (can click on the calendar to select the date)