Kramer Electronics VS-211H TV Cables User Manual

VS-211H - Using the VS-211H
4.3 Connecting the REMOTE Terminal Block Connector
Regardless of the default input switch setting, you can force the switching of the
active input by remote control. To do this, connect the appropriate REMOTE input
terminal block connector pins to a contact closure switch (see Figure 3).
Note that the connection should be permanent, since the VS-211H reverts to an automatic
switcher when the connection is removed.
To force IN 1: connect REMOTE IN1 to PIN G (ground)
To force IN 2: connect REMOTE IN2 to PIN G (ground)
Do not connect both the REMOTE IN1 and the REMOTE IN2
to PIN G simultaneously
Attach PIN IN1 to
PIN G to activate
Attach PIN IN2 to
PIN G to activate
Figure 3: REMOTE Terminal Block Connector
Note: The contact closure setting remains in effect until an event occurs such as
changing the default input switch or connecting or attaching an HDMI device.