This unit can pIayjPEG picture flies,
Usethe USB storage device that contains those files.
1 insert the USB storage device nto the USB terminal on
this unt.The main menu appears automat call}4
2 Use A/, to select [USB] and press OK.
Jhe hgN ghted text win move to the name of your USB
storage device, then press OK again,
Use A/T to select [Picture] and then press OK.
Use A/T to select the desired file, and then press OK.
@ image1 jpg
• To toggle between [List] and [Thumbnails] press the
Number 2 button each time.
• The unit goes to the slide show automa*Jcall}4
To pause/play the slide show, press OK.
• Use the Number buttons (1 through 4) to see the file
detail (CJ}) or change the following setXings (_)-_(_)
[see the description on the top of the next column].
Item Detail
Press 1 to disp_y fie detas be}ow.
(1} [Name], [Album], [Date], [Size] and [Next].
More detail
Pross 1 agan to remove file dotails,
Press 4 or OK to sta,t the s do show,While the slide show is on, the b owir, g 2 settings
............................................................................will be dsplayed.
Press :2, then use • / • to select the transtion
(2) mode choos n£ fi-om;
Transitions [None], [Dissolve], [Wipe right], [Wipe left], [Wipe
up], [Wipe down], [Box in] dnd [Box out],
(_3} Press 3,then use •/T to change the display tree
Slide time choosipg fism; [Short], [Medium] and [Long],
,/,pressor tostopthe,s,deshow
willWhilebethC,dsplayc,d,Slid°show isof_,the, fo owir,£ 2 s_,tti_,gs
(_) Every pross on 2 will turn the picture clockwise by
Rotate 90 degrees,
(3) Press 3,then use •/• to select the zoom fdctor
Zoom (Ix, 2x or 4×), Press OK to set the zoom fJcto_:
Press MENU to exit.
The unt recogn zes only a USB stolage dev ca,
Do not use a USB hub or an extension cabe to cor,nect an
exturnal hard dsk drve to the unit, (Not supports'd,)
A USB stol £e devce is aways inserted to this unt direct y.
A USB storage devce isnot supplied wth this unt.
We do not gual_ntee that all USB storage dev ces can be
supported by ths unt
Be sure to keep a backup copy of the org nal ties or, your devce
before you pay them back on ths unit.Wr, have r,o respor, sib ities
for damage or loss of your stolc,d data.
1o protect your USB storage device ties from being erased place
the wrte protect sliding tab inthe protect posit on.
When you ale ready to ierr,ove a USB stoJ_ge dev ca,at first tul-n
the unit off so t w go into standby mode to avod ar,y damage
to your data and the unit,
A USB stoJage devce that requ res ts own dryer or the dc,v ce
with a specal system such as fin£erpr nt recognition are not
T/,s unit s not allowed to use the USB storage devce whict,
requ res an extema power suppy (500mA or more),
Up to 2GB (FA-f16) or 8GB (FA-f32) capacity can be supported,
Only USB 2.0 is supported.
Up to 10,000 files or 1,000 folders with 19 hie1 rches can be
rocogn zed,
Up to 255 English characters can be recogn zed.
Ths unit does not support MTP(Ned a[ransfcr Rotocol),
Th}s unit supports FAII 6and FA-f32 file systems.
If the file s not supported, an error message appears.
When the USB storage devce is not recogn zod, try reconnecting
t asain.
: is recommended that files to be played back in this unit are
recorded under the following specifications:
• Upper mt : _4 14egapxel