Mitsubishi Electronics AJ61BT11 Home Theater Server User Manual

8 - 14
Table 8.1 Link special relay list (continued)
: available,
: not available )
Number Name Description
SB004C 1
Line test acceptance
Indicates the line test request acceptance status.
OFF : Not executed
ON : Specification accepted
SB004D 1 Line test complete status
Indicates the line test complete status.
OFF : Not completed
ON : Test complete
SB004E 1
Parameter setting test
acceptance status
Indicates the parameter setting test request acceptance status.
OFF : Not accepted
ON : Specification accepted
SB004F 1
Parameter setting test
complete status
Indicates the parameter setting test complete status.
OFF : Not completed
ON : Test complete
SB0050 Offline test status
Indicates the offline-test execution status.
OFF : Not executed
ON : In progress
SB0060 Mode
Indicates the module's mode setting switch setting status.
OFF : Online (0)
ON : Other than online (0)
SB0061 Station type
Indicates the setting status of the module station number setting
OFF : Master station (station number 0)
ON : Local station (station numbers 1 to 64)
SB0062 1
Standby master station
Indicates the setting status of the standby master station.
OFF : Not set
ON : Set
Input data status of a data
link error station
Indicates the setting status of the module's condition setting switch
(DIP switch) SW4.
OFF : Clear
ON : Keep
Indicates the setting of the module's condition setting switch (DIP
switch) SW5, SW6.
Number of
occupied stations
SB0066 (SW5) SB0067 (SW6)
1 station OFF OFF
2 stations OFF ON
3 stations ON ON
SB0067 2
4 stations ON OFF
Number of occupied
SB0069 Module mode
Indicates the setting status of the module's condition setting switch
(DIP switch) SW8. (Usable on AJ61BT11 and A1SJ61BT11)
OFF : Intelligent mode
ON : I/O mode
SB006A Switch setting status
Indicates the switch setting status.
OFF : Normal
ON : Setting error exists (Store the error code in SW006A)
SB006D Parameter setting status
Indicates the parameter setting status.
OFF : Normal
ON : Setting error exists (Store the error code in SW0068)
Host station operation
Indicates the data link communication status with other stations.
OFF : In operation
ON : Not in operation
SB0070 1
Master station data link
Indicates data link status.
OFF : Data link for master station
ON : Data link for waiting master station
SB0071 1
Standby master station
Indicates whether there is standby master station or not.
OFF : Not present
ON : Present
SB0072 1 Scan mode setting
Indicates the scan mode setting status.
OFF : Asynchronous mode
ON : Synchronous mode
1: Link special relay
to the function version B or later
2: Link special relay added to the AJ61QBT11 of hardware version F or later and the A1SJ61QBT11 of hardware version G or later