USB playability information
Compatible USB devices:
USB flash memory (USB 2.0 or •
USB flash players (USB 2.0 or •
memory cards (requires an additional •
card reader to work with this
Supported formats:
USB or memory file format FAT12, •
FAT16, FAT32 (sector size: 512 bytes)
MP3 bit rate (data rate): 32-320 Kbps •
and variable bit rate
WMA v9 or earlier•
Directory nesting up to a maximum •
of 8 levels
Number of albums/ folders: •
maximum 99
Number of tracks/titles: maximum •
ID3 tag v2.0 or later•
File name in Unicode UTF8 •
(maximum length: 128 bytes)
Unsupported formats:
Empty albums: an empty album is an •
album that does not contain MP3/
WMA files, and is not be shown in
the display.
Unsupported file formats are •
skipped. For example, Word
documents (.doc) or MP3 files with
extension .dlf are ignored and not
AAC, WAV, PCM audio files•
DRM protected WMA files (.wav, •
.m4a, .m4p, .mp4, .aac)
WMA files in Lossless format•
Supported disc formats
Digital Video Discs (DVDs)•
Video CDs (VCDs)•
Super Video CDs (SVCDs)•
Digital Video Discs + Rewritable •
Compact Discs (CDs)•
Picture (Kodak, JPEG) files on CDR(W)•
DivX(R) disc on CD-R(W):•
DivX 3.11, 4.x and 5.x•
DivX Ultra disc•
Supported MP3-CD formats:
ISO 9660•
Max. title/album name: 12 characters•
Max. title number plus album: 255.•
Max. nested directory: 8 levels.•
Max. album number: 32.•
Max. MP3 track number: 999.•
Supported sampling frequencies for MP3 •
disc: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz.
Supported Bit-rates of MP3 disc are: 32, •
64, 96, 128, 192, 256 (kbps).
The following formats are not supported:•
Files like *.VMA, *.AAC, *.DLF, •
*.PLS, *.WAV•
Non-English Album/Title name•
Discs recorded in Joliet format•
MP3 Pro and MP3 with ID3 tag•