Execution: * Display OFF, CAV LaserDisc is in the tray
1DS <C/R> R <C/R>
* Display ON - Frame, Chapter Display
1RA <C/R> R <C/R>
* Only frame number is displayed
4RA <C/R> R <C/R>
* User’s Display lines only are displayed
3PR <C/R> R <C/R>
* Print the following string of characters to Line 3 of the display
* The message “HELLO WORLD” is displayed on Line 3 of
User’s Display Area.
Function: Changes the current setting of Register B. (Squelch Control)
Format: Integer R B
Explanation: Attributes concerning the squelch switch for video and audio are set
in Register B. The squelch switch is normally controlled
automatically in accordance with the operating mode of the player.
In the modes where pictures and sound are not clearly played back,
the squelch switch prevents the “noise” from being displayed or
heard. (eg. During scanning on LaserDiscs, audio is squelched.) By
rewriting the contents of the Register B, it is possible to make the
squelch switch invalid. In this state, the video and audio signals are
output continually. The initial value is 0. This operation must be
fully understood before this function is used.
Execution: * Disable the video squelch during searching.
128 R B 23000 S E 0 R B <C/R> R <C/R>
* Play at 1/2 speed while outputting sound.
64 R B 30 S P M F <C/R> R <C/R>
* Set to Still and return to normal squelch.
ST0RB <C/R> R <C/R>
CLD-V5000 Level III User’s Manual TP 121 v. 1.0 • 1/96 3-41
CLD-V5000 Level III • Chapter Three
Integer Function Video Audio
0 Normal 0 0
64 Audio Squelch Invalid 0 1
128 Video Squelch Invalid 1 0
192 VD/AD Squelch Invalid 1 1
Figure 3-T