logo Channel
This section lets you view the channel list and select a specific channel.
The available channels are listed here. There is a preview window in the bottom left
corner of the screen. To watch a channel, click on it, and it will appear in the preview
window. You can click the button next to the preview window to play it in Full
Screen mode. Press “Esc” to exit Full Screen. Double-click a channel will take you
back to the TV main screen and the program will start showing.
z Add to Favorite: Highlight a channel on the list and click on the button to set it
as a favorite channel. A checkmark indicates favorite channel.
z Delete from Favorite: If you select a favorite channel, click on this button to
remove it from the favorite channels list.
z Channel Type: From the Channel Type, choose either to view “All” or only the
Favorite” channels.