Before calling for repair service, check the following items for possible remedies to an encountered
Check item
Checkthatthe ACpowercordis pluggedintothemains socket.
Unplug the power cord, wait for 60 seconds. Then re-insert plug into the mains
socketandturnon theunitagain.
No power
Check video connections at the rear of the unit to see if it is properly connected to
the unit.
Adjust the contrast and brightness settings.
Select a correct input.
Is a non-compatible signal being input?
No picture
Increase the VOLUME.
Check that the unit is not muted.
Good picture but no sound
Adjust the contrast, color and brightness settings.
Good sound but poor color
Sometimes, poor picture quality occurs when an activated S-VHS camera or
camcorderisconnectedwhileanotheractivatedperipheralisconnected. In thiscase,
switchoffoneofthe peripherals.
Checkwhethertheroom istoobright.
Poor picture
Check the A/V connections.
This may be caused by electrical interference (e.g. hairdryer, nearby neon lights,
Turn off the equipment.
This remote control is a universal remote control. If the remote control does not
work correctly when operating the monitor, try pressing the TV button.
Check whether the batteries are working. Replace if necessary.
Clean the remote control sensor lens on the unit.
Do not use the remote control under strong or fluorescent lighting.
The batteries should be inserted with polarity (+, -) aligned.
Snowy picture and noise
Horizontal dotted line
Remote operation fails.
Check if you have selected the correct VGA mode in your PC.
No stable or not
synchronized VGA picture
If your problem is not solved, turn your unit off and then on again.
Never attempt to repair a PDP TV yourself.
No output from one
of the speakers
Adjust Balance in the SOUND menu.
+ Donotuseinhotandcoldrooms(locations)
•Whentheunitisusedinrooms(locations)withlow temperature, thepicturemayleavetrailsorappearslightlydelayed.This is not
amalfunction,andtheunitwill recoverwhenthetemperaturereturnstonormal.
•Donotleavetheunitinahotorcoldlocation.Also,donotleavetheunitin a location exposed todirectsunlightornearaheater,as
thismaycausethecabinetto deformandthePDPpanel tomalfunction.
(Storagetemperature: 0°Cto+50°C Working temperature:5°Cto+40°C)
Control buttons do not work.
Unplug the power cord, wait for a fewseconds.Thenre-plugthepowercordandturn