Preparation for using your new TV
For subscribers to Basic Cable TV Service
For basic cable service not requiring a Converter/Descrambler box, connect the CATV 75 ohm Coaxial Cable
directly into the Antenna Jack on the back of the television.
For subscribers to Scrambled Cable TV Service
If you subscribe to a cable service which requires the use of a Converter/Descrambler box, connect the incoming
cable to the Converter/Descrambler box and connect the output of the box to the Antenna Jack on the back of
the television. Follow the connections as shown below. Set the television to the output of the
Converter/Descrambler box (usually channel 3 or 4) and use the Converter/Descrambler box to select channels.
For Subscribers to Unscrambled Basic Cable with Scrambled Premium Channels
If you subscribe to a cable service in which basic cable channels are unscrambled and premium channels require
the use of a Converter/Descrambled box, you may wish to use a two-set signal splitter (sometimes referred to
as a two-set coupler) and an A/B Switch box from the cable installer or an electronics supply store. Follow the
connections shown below. With the switch in the B position, you can directly tune any unscrambled channels on
your TV. With the switch in the A position, tune your TV to the output of the Converter/Descrambler box (usually
channel 3 or 4) and use the box to tune scrambled channels.
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ConverterlDescrambler_ _'======
When you use a converter box with your TV, there may be features that you cannot
program when using the remote control.