Before installing the receiver permanently, fit it in the approximate place in your car ,and connect the
equipment according to the speakers and electrical connections. When
your system is operated properly,(preferably with the
car engine running), follow the instructions
for permanent installation
of your system.
1) Adapter
(not supplied)
2)Bend over tabs
of half sleeve
3)Support strap
Half sleeve
4) Two wrenches for releasing
the unit (supplied)
1)Install half sleeve,can bewith or
without adapter. It will fit better
with adapter.
2)Bend oversome tabs tosecure the
half sleeveinside of dash.
3) Supportstrap to bestrutted under
dash, securethis strip toavoid skipp
ing ofdisc.
Insert removalwrench into thesmall
gap onthe right sideof the unitand pull
the unitslightly out onthe same side,
then releasethe wrench. Repeatthe
same actionfor the leftside. By now,
you canremove the unitand unplug
the wiresconnector.