Programming a Device using CODE SEARCH
1. Manually turn on your device
(TV, VCR, Laserdisc Player, Satellite
Receiver, Cable Box or Audio Equipment).
2. Press and hold CODE•SRCH.
3. Press and release the device button you
want to set up (TV, VCR1, VCR2•LD,
4. Release CODE•SRCH.
5. Press POWER repeatedly until the device
turns off (you may have to press up to
100 times).
6. Once the device turns off,
press and release ENTER.
7. With the device on, press another button,
for example CHANNEL UP. If the device
responds, no further programming is
required. If the device does not respond,
repeat steps 1-7.
Programming Your Universal Remote
The remote may already be set-up to operate your brand of TV, VCR, Laserdisc,
Satellite Receiver, Audio Equipment, or Cable Box. It is preprogrammed with
the following codes: TV-000, VCR1-000, AUDIO-003, SAT•Cable Box-000, and
Laser Disc Player-037. For brands that require programming, there are two ways
to program: Using Code Lists or Code Search. Use Code Search if the code lists
are not available or if the codes from the lists do not operate a device.