Install Manual
Select a serial port.
Select a connected PTZ device.
Camera ID
Enter the ID of the selected camera.
Select one from among Com2 to 4.
To use RS-232, select Com3. For RS-422 or 485, select Com2 or 4.
Baud rate/Parity/Stop Bit/Data Bit
Enter the same settings as the ones for the PTZ device.
Idle Time
Activate or disable PTZ Home, and set up a standby duration for the device before
moving to
PTZ home.
The Coax Protocol option does not support normal PTZ protocols, but rather supports the Pelco
Standard and Extended Protocols.
The standard protocol supports basic PTZ functions such as PTZ and presets. The extended
protocol supports more expansive features such as menu control and video playback in addition
to the basic PTZ functions.
To use this option, a PTZ device must be embedded with a coax standard or extended protocol.