VOL < Decreases the volur_lu. Whez_ in the menu system, VOL < is
used to point left to items and adjust menu controls.
VOL > Increases the volume. When in the menu system, VOL > is
used to point right to items and adjust menu controls.
CHAN ^ Scans up through the channel list. In the menu system, it
points up to items and adjusts menu controls.
CHAN v Scans down through the current channel list. In the menu
system, it points down to items and adjusts menu controls.
MENU Brings up the Main menu. When in the menu system, it
selects highlighted items. Also returns you to the previous menu.
If you turn Parental Control on, the front panel no longer provides
access to the menus. For more information, see Parental Control in
the Channel menu on the back side of these instructions.
POWER Turns the TV on and off.
The front panel shown is a typical button layout. The exact look of
the buttons may be different from those on the front of your TV.
ME.u V CHAN /_ < V0L >