
Main code Sub code Content
21 01 Maintenance cycle setting
Used to set the lighting cycle of the maintenance lamp (è).
When this simulation is executed, the currently set maintenance cycle is displayed on the copy quantity display.
After setting the number, press the print button to memory the value.
Set value Maintenance cycle
0 50,000 sheets Initial value
1 2,500 sheets
2 5,000 sheets
3 10,000 sheets
4 25,000 sheets
5 Free (Not lighted.)
22 01 Maintenance counter display
The maintenance counter value is displayed on the copy quantity display.
02 Maintenance preset counter display
The maintenance cycle set with SIM 21-1 is displayed on the copy quantity display.
03 Jam memory display
The cause (position) of the jam occurred in copying is displayed.
When this simulation is executed, the jam cause (jam position) is displayed on the jam cause display. By pressing
the magnification ratio key, the history of jam causes can be checked sequentially.
04 Total jam counter display
The total number of jams occurred in copying is displayed on the copy quantity display.
05 Total counter display
The total counter value is displayed on the copy quantity display.
06 Developer counter display
The counter value of the developer which is installed is displayed on the copy quantity display.
07 Developer preset counter display
The developer replacement cycle (mini maintenance cycle for Japan) of the developer which is installed is
displayed on the copy quantity display.
08 ADF counter display
The number of originals transported by the ADF is displayed on the copy quantity display.
09 ADU counter display (SF-2120 only)
The number of paper which entered the ADF is displayed on the copy quantity display.
10 Staple counter display
The number of stapling is displayed on the copy quantity display.
22 15 Trouble memory display
“A” is displayed on the third digit of the copy quantity display, and the latest trouble code (main code) is displayed
on the second and the third digit.
When the PRINT button is pressed at that time, the sub code of the corresponding trouble is displayed during the
PRINT button is being pressed.
When the magnification ratio key is pressed while the main code is displayed, the previous trouble is displayed.
Maximum 20 recent troubles are stored.
8 – 8