Sony DRU-820A DVD Player User Manual

Table of Contents
Safety Regulations ..........................2
Compliance Statements ..................3
Unpacking the Package Contents ...6
Features ........................................... 6
System Requirements .....................7
Part Names and Functions ..............8
Setting up the Drive ......................10
Appropriate Jumper Settings ........15
Replacing your current optical
drive with the DVD/CD rewritable
drive ............................................ 15
Installing the DVD/CD rewritable
drive as a second drive ...............16
Installing the DVD/CD rewritable
drive as a third drive ...................17
Installing the DVD/CD rewritable
drive as a fourth drive ................18
Using the Drive .............................19
Supplied Software ......................19
Using Generic Software with the
Drive ........................................... 20
Compatible Discs ..........................21
Recommended Writable Discs ...23
Writable Disc Features ...............24
Precautions on Writing/Playing
Discs .............................................28
Maximizing Performance ..............30
User Support Web Site ...............30
Updating the Firmware ...............30
Turbo Boost Function .................30
Precautions for Use .......................31
Specifications ................................32
Support Overview .........................34
User Support Web Site ...............34
Update the Drive Firmware ........34
Product and Support
Information .................................34