Additional Information
Cable Box/Satellite
Receiver Brand Code
If more than one code number is listed, try
entering them one at a time until you find the one
that works with your cable box/satellite receiver.
TUR Turkish
VIE Vietnamese
ZAF Afrikaans
Abbreviation Language
Cable box brand Code number
3M 0033
ABC 0003, 0007, 0011, 0017,
0008, 0014, 0001, 0013,
0206, 0047, 0237, 0033
Accuphase 0003, 0007, 0013, 0047,
0001, 0011, 0017, 0014,
Acorn 1102, 0237
Action 0237
Active 0237, 1102
Aim 0015
Allegro 0315, 0153
Amark 0008, 0277, 0144, 0056
American 0060
Americast 0899
Antronix 0207, 0022
Anvision 0211, 0111
Apache 0770
Arbatron 0014, 0011, 0003, 0476
Archer 0153, 0022, 0207, 0039,
0797, 0237, 0260
ASE 1080
Auna 1269
BBT 0267
BCC 0276
Belcor 0056, 0022
Bell & Howell 0014
Bell Atlantic 0641
Bell South 0899
Bestlink 0303
Betavue 0022
British Telecom 0003