Tektronix P6723 TV Converter Box User Manual

P6701B and P6703B Specifications
P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 Service Manual
Nominal Characteristics
Nominal characteristics (Table 3) describe guaranteed traits, but the traits do not
have tolerance limits.
Table 3: P6701B and P6703B nominal electrical characteristics
Optical input coupling Accepts up to 62.5 m core diameter, Numerical Aperture 0.29
Optical fiber dressing > 1 inch bend radius, not to exceed a bend radius of < 1 inch to
maintain perf orm ance.
Absolute non-destructive fiber bend 0.5 inch bend radius
DC conversion gain linearity < 3% deviat ion in DC conversion gain from 50 W to 1000 W
average optical input relat ive to conversion gain with 500 W
average optical power i nput.
Output zero drift ≤±1.5 mV with output load requirement met for ideally stable
optical i nput, 0--25_ C
Output load requi rement 50 ± 1%