your TV
Using the
Remote Control
Setting up
your TV
Using the TV’s
Brand Code
Aiwa 0406
Bose 0674
Carver 0269
Curtis Mathes 0300
Denon 0160
GE 0078
Harman/Kardon 0892
JVC 0331
Left Coast 0892
Linn 0269
Luxman 0165
Magnavox 0269
Marantz 0892, 0321, 0269
NEC 0264
Nakamichi 0321
Optimus 0395, 0300
Panasonic 0308, 0521
Parasound 0246
Philips 0892, 0269
Pioneer 0013, 0300
Polk Audio 0892, 0269
RCA 0300
Realistic 0395
Sansui 0321
Shure 0264
Sony 0689, 0220
Soundesign 0078, 0211
Technics 0308, 0521
Victor 0331
Wards 0078, 0013, 0211
Yamaha 0354, 0133
Cable converter boxes
Brand Code
ABC 0003, 0008, 0014,
0007, 0011, 0017
Americast 0899
Bell & Howell 0014
Bell South 0899
Contec 0019
Director 0476
Everquest 0015
Gemini 0015
General Instrument 0476, 0003, 0276,
0011, 0810
GoldStar 0144
Hamlin 0009, 0020, 0273
Hitachi 0011
Hytex 0007
Jasco 0015
Jerrold 0476, 0003, 0276,
0012, 0014, 0015,
0011, 0810
Memorex 0000
Motorola 0476, 1106, 0276,
Oak 0019, 0007
Pace 0237
Panasonic 0000, 0107
Paragon 0000
Philips 0305, 0317
Pioneer 0877, 0144, 0533,
Pulsar 0000
Quasar 0000
RadioShack 0015
Regal 0020, 0273, 0279
TheaterLink IR device codes
Rembrandt 0011
Runco 0000
Samsung 0144
Scientific Atlanta 0877, 0008, 0017,
0477, 1877
Signal 0015
Signature 0011
sony 1006
Starcom 0003, 0015
Stargate 0015
Starquest 0015
Supercable 0276
Tocom 0012
To rx 0003
Toshiba 0000
Tusa 0015
United Artists 0007
Zenith 0000, 0525, 0899
CD players
Brand Code
Aiwa 0157, 0124
Burmester 0420
California Audio Labs 0029, 0303
Carver 0157, 0179, 0437
Classic 1297
DKK 0000
DMX Electronics 0157
Denon 0873, 0003
Emerson 0305
Fisher 0174, 0179, 1325
GPX 1296
Garrard 0393, 0420
Genexxa 0032, 0305
Harman/Kardon 0157, 0173
Hitachi 0032
JVC 0072, 1294
KLH 1318, 1372, 1373
Kenwood 0681, 0826, 0626,
0028, 0037, 0190
Koss 1317
Krell 0157
LXI 0305
Linn 0157
MCS 0029
MTC 0420
Magnavox 0157, 0305
Marantz 0626, 0029, 0157,
Miro 0000
Mission 0157
NSM 0157
Nikko 0174
Onkyo 0868, 0101
Optimus 1063, 0000, 0032,
0037, 0145, 0179,
0305, 0420, 0437,
Panasonic 0029, 0303
Parasound 0420
Philips 0626, 0157
Pioneer 1063, 1062, 0032,
0305, 0468
Polk Audio 0157
Proton 0157
QED 0157
Quasar 0029
RCA 1062, 0032, 0053,
0179, 0305, 0468,
Realistic 0179, 0180, 0420
Rotel 0157, 0420
SAE 0157
Sansui 0157, 0305
Sanyo 0179
Scott 0305
Sears 0305
Sharp 0861, 0037, 0180
Sherwood 1067, 0180
Sonic Frontiers 0157
Sony 0490, 0000, 0100,
0185, 0604, 1364
Soundesign 0145
TDK 1208
Tascam 0420
Teac 0174, 0180, 0393,
Technics 0029, 0303
Victor 0072
Wards 0157, 0053
Yamaha 0888, 0036, 0187,
Yorx 0461
Laser disk players
Brand Code
Aiwa 0203
Carver 0064, 0194, 0323
Denon 0059, 0172
Disco Vision 0023
Funai 0203
Harman/Kardon 0194
Hitachi 0023
Magnavox 0194, 0217
Marantz 0064, 0194
Mitsubishi 0059
NAD 0059
Optimus 0059
Panasonic 0204
Philips 0064, 0194
Pioneer 0059, 0023
Polk Audio 0194
Quasar 0204
Realistic 0203
Samsung 0323
Sega 0023
Sony 0193, 0201
Technics 0204
Theta Digital 0194
Yamaha 0217
Miscellaneous audio devices
Brand Code
Aiwa 0010, 0159, 0404
Fisher 0052
JVC 0073
Jerrold 0520, 0459
Scientific Atlanta 0460
Sony 0010, 0159, 0576
Starcom 0459
Cable converter boxes (cont.)
Brand Code
CD players (cont.)
Brand Code