Connecting Your TV (continued)
Connecting a cable converter box and a VCR
This COl]Rcglinl_ _l[Io\vs yoLI to _Aatch _llld fCCOld btl_ic _]lld prel]liLUll cable ch_lnncIs, as \VL_[I _IS _,'_atdl \ i(.[e£) t_lpcs, TLI]IC the TV
aI]d V('R challnL'ls [o 3 or 4 (',_ hJchc_cr channel is _aca]ll in your a]-ea), tilell use the col1\ clter box to cha[lgc channels,
From Cable
| | StereoVCR
• //rml/lalvam¢.u_l'CR lonlle_/L tt.m_/.l('fi hldl. _ _ i _ N_MC T_
,1. ,,.J.,..,, ,,n ,. , ,, _., , ,,/ . ,I ' I I_zr9%.l<__'?_'_/ 21"1"_
_uch a_ h/oJdn_ J_mme/._. dlld /_l'O_l'(lUllNill_ VOIII' /itUOl'il<" _ -- --
( ]I(IHIIU/,t
Connecting a satellite receiver and a VCR
This connection allows vou to watch satellite ",.iduo and TV programs.
You can record f'ron3 the satellite receh, er and "fV. as _ell as record one TV cMnneI while watching another uhannel.
From BS antenna
Satellite Receiver
• Ymt can use a I,id¢_*_rlb!e in._te.d qfthe S-vid_._
cable, but the picture qua/i 0 .ill decrease
Do uol ('oun_!_! Ihe virleu cab/e am/the S-l'i</(,_
cable m 17DEO / ,dmuhaneou_ b'
• To iralch/ronl the S_tlc'!/ite Receiver, the TI"
mu.w select VIDEO /.
• T_ watch/i'om the VCR, Hie TVmu._'l _eh,ct
Stereo VCR
From antenna