T: 886-2-22404099
F: 886-2-22404097
Security configuration URL
URL: /setup/security.cgi
rootpass <text string shorter than 15 characters> change root password
username <text string shorter than 15 characters> add new user
userpass <text string shorter than 15 characters> new user's password
deluser <text string shorter than 15 characters> existing user name
Network configuration URL
URL: /setup/network.cgi
YES enable installation at next boot reset
NO disable installation at next boot
ip <IP address> VisualServer's IP address
subnet <IP address> subnet mask
router <IP address> default gateway
domain <text string shorter than 40 characters> domain name of VisualServer
dns1 <IP address> primary DNS server
dns2 <IP address> secondary DNS server
smtp1 <domain name or IP address> primary SMTP server
mailto1 <text string shorter than 80 characters> mail recipient address
smtp2 <domain name or IP address> secondary SMTP server
mailto2 <text string shorter than 80 characters> mail recipient address
return <text string shorter than 80 characters> return address
http <number less than 65535> HTTP port
controlport <number less than 65535> Control Channel port
videoport <number less than 65535> Video Channel port
audioport <number less than 65535> Audio Channel port
Yes enable the low bandwidth environment lowband
no disable the low bandwidth environment