Installer’s Menus
XX-F Menu Items (Not
shown here) are service-
type adjustments and only
qualified technicians having
specialized test equipment
should access them.
Use the Installer Menu to set up or change operational settings
See descriptions of the Installer items on the following pages...
0IMCRMI039A 01.66 01
0-I INST. SEQ. 0
XX/XX/XX TE = 10110000
Accessing the Installer’s Menu
Installer’s menu items can be accessed by using the optional LP702 installer’s remote
control. Just press and hold MENU (about 8 seconds) until the display changes, then
press 9, 8, 7, 6, then ENTER. To exit the Installer’s Menu, press ENTER again. Any
changes you make will be stored in nonvolatile memory.
The Installer’s menu opens with item 0-I, INST. SEQ. Use the SELECT key to sequence
through the available menu items. Or, access an item directly by entering the line
number, then pressing MENU. For example, to access the Sleep Timer option which is
on line 15-I, press 15, then MENU. To change a setting use the Left/Right ADJ keys.
Using the Installer’s Menu
Items 0-I - 86-I are immediately accessible only upon entering the Installer’s Menu.
Their numbers, descriptions, ranges, factory default settings, and a place for listing
any changes made on-site are given below and on the following pages. A Factory
Menu that is intended for qualified service technicians only, is not shown. Normally
Factory menu items do not require adjustment.
Installer Menu Items 0-I through 25-I
Typical Installer Menu
Menu Item Function Value Range Default Value Brief Description of Function and Comments
0-I. INSTALLER. SEQ 0 - 3 0 Leave default set 0.
1-I. POWER MANAGE 0 - 7 0 Sets number of hours of no activity before auto shutoff.
2-I. AC ON 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to enable auto turn on at power up.
3-I. BAND/AFC 0 - 7 0 Tuning band, see detailed descriptions.
4-I. STRT CHANNEL 0 - 255 255 Channel at turn on (255 tune to last channel before turn off).
5-I. CHAN LOCK 0 / 1 0 When set to 1, cannot tune from current channel.
6-I. GHOST CH 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to enable Ghost Channel display.
7-I. START VOLUME 0 - 63, 255 255 Volume level at TV turn-on (Set 255 to retain last volume level).
8-I. MIN VOLUME 0 - 63 0 Minimum volume setting.
9-I. MAX VOLUME 0 - 63 63 Maximum volume setting.
10-I. MUTE DISABLE 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to disable mute function.
11-I. KEY DEFEAT 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to disable Menu, Select, and Adj keys on front panel.
12-I. IR BANKS EN. 0 / 1 0 Set to 1: enables TV to respond to IR codes to change Channel Bank directly.
13-I. SCAN MODE 0 / 1 0 Puts On-Off in Ch Up/Down sequence.
14-I. STRT CH IN SM 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to put TV on/off below start channel number.
15-I. SLEEP TIMER 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable Sleep Timer.
16-I. EN. TIMER 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable Timer.
17-I. ALARM 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable Alarm.
20-I. FEATURE LEVEL 0 / 1 1 Zen 1 Leave default set 1 (1 Zen 1).
21-I. V-CHIP 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to enable V-Chip
22-I. MAX BLK HRS 0 - 99 12 Select number of Parental Control blocking hours.
23-I. CAPTION LOCK 0 / 1 0 Set to 1 to retain Caption setting at turn off.
24-I. TEXT MODE 0 / 1 1 Set to 1 to add Text option to closed caption menu.