3 Windows logo key
Start button. Combinations with this key
perform special functions, such as:
• Windows + Tab: Activate the next
Taskbar button
• Windows + E: Explore My Computer
• Windows + F: Find Document
• Windows + M: Minimize All
• Shift + Windows + M: Undo Mini-
mize All
• Windows + R: Displays the Run dia-
log box
4 Application key Opens the applications context menu
(same function as clicking the right button
of the mouse).
5 Cursor keys Also called the arrow keys. These keys let
you move the cursor around the screen.
They serve the same function as the arrow
keys on the numeric pad when the Num
Lock is toggled off.
6 Palm rest (detach-
Provides a comfortable place to rest your
hands while typing.
7 Num Lock When activated, the keypad is set to
numeric mode, i.e., the keys function as a
calculator (complete with arithmetic oper-
ators such as +, -, x, and /).
8 Scroll Lock When activated, the screen moves one line
up or down when you press the up arrow
or down arrow respectively. Take note that
Scroll Lock may not work with some appli-
9 Volume control/
Mute knob
The volume control/mute knob controls
the speaker volume. Turn it clockwise or
counterclockwise to adjust the volume.
Press it to toggle between mute and
No. Component Function