Getting Started
ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
Stock Number: 510694-00, Rev. C Page: 1-3
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
Document Overview
How to Use This Document
To use this document, first scan this chapter for an overview of this
Next read Chapter 2, Introducing ATM Networking, for a description
of ATM and how the ANA-5910/5930/5940 adapters fit into an
ATM network.
Then follow the instructions in Chapter 3, Installing the Adapter, for
installing the adapter and connecting ATM UTP/STP or MMF.
After you install the hardware, install and configure the ATM
software for the operating system you are running, as follows:
Chapter 4, Installing ATM Version 4.0x Software for Windows NT.
Chapter 5, Installing ATM Version 2.0x Drivers for Windows NT.
Chapter 6, Installing ATM Software for DOS/Windows 3.1.
Chapter 7, Installing ATM Software for Windows 95.
Chapter 8, Installing ATM Software for Novell NetWare
For specifications on environment, cables, or the PCI-bus interface,
see Appendix A, Product Features and Specifications.
For error messages and diagnostics specific to Windows NT, refer to
Appendix B, Windows NT Specific Error Messages and Diagnostics
If you do not understand some of the terms discussed in this
document, refer to the Glossary.