Installing ATM Version 2.0x Drivers for Windows NT
ANA-5910/5930/5940 User’s Guide
Stock Number: 510694-00, Rev. C Page: 5-7
Print Spec Number: 493081-00
Current Date: 5/28/97 ECN Date: 05/29/97
The Network Settings dialog box displays the installed
Adaptec LANE adapter in the Installed Adapter Cards list box.
Select OK to exit the Network Settings dialog box.
If IPX/SPX is installed on your workstation, the NWLink IPX/
SPX Protocol Configuration dialog box appears. If IPX/SPX is
not installed, this dialog will not appear.
Select the adapter that will support the IPX/SPX protocol
from the Adapter drop-down list.
Select Auto Detected from the Frame Type drop-down
Select OK.
If TCP/IP is installed on your workstation, the TCP/IP
Configuration dialog box appears, requiring that you set other
protocol addresses and information. Refer to your Windows
NT user documentation for information about setting up your
TCP/IP configuration, and when you have entered the
necessary TCP/IP data, select OK. If you do not have TCP/IP
installed, these configuration screens will not appear.
Add additional clients (1 to 3) by following the above
procedures, or select Yes to save and initialize changes.
MTU Size Stands for maximum transfer unit.
Select 9234 or 1516 from the drop-
down list.
Peak Cell Rate The peak cell rate is the rate, in
Mbits/sec, at which cells are
transferred. Enter a number from 0
through 353208. The 0 value defaults
to the full line rate of the NIC. Use
58962 for 25 Mbits/sec; use 353208 for
155 Mbits/sec.
ELAN Name Enter a name if the client’s LECS
requires ELAN name registration;
32 characters maximum; no spaces.
Autostart ELAN Select the check box to automatically
start the LANE driver at boot-up.
Parameter Setting