Duralink64 Failover for NetWare
Element Descriptions
A status screen is provided, showing the following information:
■ NIC model number.
■ Transmit Kbps (Kilobits per second) per port.
■ Receive Kbps per port.
■ The present status of all ports and Failover Pairs.
– ACTIVE: This port is currently used for data transfer, and is
connected with data being sent and/or received.
– IDLE: This port is currently used for data transfer, and is
connected with no data being sent or received.
– STANDBY: This port currently not used for data transfer,
and is connected with no data being sent or received.
– DOWN: Port is not connected, or the link is down.
F Keys
F1— provides on-line help for each screen.
F8— Changes the refresh interval. Refresh interval is a user-
selectable refresh cycle in seconds (default is 1 second). This is
the interval by which the utility will refresh the status.