DuraLAN Fast Ethernet NICs User’s Guide
Duralink64 Failover
Duralink64 Failover software provides protection from network-link
failures on Fast Ethernet servers running mission-critical
applications. During a port failure, Duralink64 Failover keeps the
connection to the server live by moving all traffic on the affected
segment to a backup port. When a failure is detected on the primary
port, that port is disabled and the backup port takes over to continue
data transmission, keeping the connection running without
Duralink64 Failover is often used in a troubled environment to
provide failover capabilities when any of the following conditions
■ An Ethernet link loss
■ A watchdog timer expires
■ An abnormal hardware interrupt occurs
■ Abnormal Send/Receive counters, such as too many collisions
or errors occur on the segment
Duralink64 Failover supports Windows NT 4.0 and 3.51, and Novell
NetWare 4.x and 5.0 based servers.
Duralink64 Failover is compatible with Adaptec ANA
and ANA-62011/
single-port NICs, ANA-62022 two-port NICs,
and ANA-62044 four-port NICs.