System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Prerequisites 1-7
BFS Issues
License to
The BFS issues each DMFS client the appropriate license level
after receiving information on the amount of disk storage it
manages on the client machine. If a license for the appropriate
level is not available, the BFS issues the client a license for the
next higher level. If all licenses are in use, the request is denied.
(For a description of DataMgr components, refer to
“Components” on page 1-4 in DataMgr Overview.)
For example, if a client has 3GB of space for management, it
needs a Level 1 license. If a Level 1 licenses is not available, the
BFS will try to issue a Level 2 license, and if there are none
available, it will try to issue a Level 3 license.
If a client attempts to use either file replication or multi-tier
migration, but the BFS does not have the appropriate feature
license, the operation will fail.
File Monitors
On the BFS, DataMgr maintains a registration file located in
/etc/bfs/registered. This file (an example is shown
below) monitors all levels of licenses that are authorized and in
use at any given time.
Serial number: DM-00539
License installed on Tue Jan 5 17:46:38 1999
Allowed license levels:
Number of level 1: 25
Number of level 2: 3
Number of level 3: 1
Current license levels in use:
Level 1 checked out: 8
Level 2 checked out: 1
Level 3 checked out: 1