System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Setup Tasks 3-7
Setup Tasks
If this nightly backup fails, DataMgr sends a mail
message to
root notifying the system administrator
the status of the
bfsdb_backup. Failed backups are
sent to
You can recover a previous backup version of the
database by using the
/etc/bfs/usr/utils/bfsdb_restore utility
that allows you to either restore the most recent
backup or restore a specified version. For more
information, refer to the Utility Reference chapter in
System Administrator’s Guide to Using DataMgr.
Step 3. Edit, if needed, a
cron job to run the
etc/dmfs/user/utils/dmfsscan utility.
Step 4. Edit, if needed, a cron job to run the
etc/bfs/usr/utils/bfsmaint utility.
Assign a Backup
Step 1. Restrict the BFS Database backup directory, located
/archive/BFSDB_Backup on AMASS, to a
specified volume group. In our example, we want
the backup to be assigned to volume group 600.
Do not use volume group 0 (zero) for the BFS
Database backups.