61200214L1-1 IQ Probe User Manual 125
data service unit. A device designed to transmit and receive digital data on
digital transmission facilities.
data terminal equipment. The end-user terminal or computer that plugs into the
termination point (DCE) of a communications circuit. The main difference
between the DCE and the DTE is that pins two and three are reversed.
A process by which an interface device places an end device's protocol-specific
frames inside a frame rely frame. The network accepts only frames formatted
specifically for frame relay; therefore interface devices acting as interfaces to a
frame relay network must perform encapsulation. See also interface device and
frame-relay-capable interface device.
end device
The ultimate source or destination of data flowing through a frame relay network
sometimes referred to as DTE. As a source device, it sends data to an interface
device for encapsulation in a frame relay frame. As a destination device, it
receives de-encapsulated data (i.e., the frame relay frame is stripped off, leaving
only the user's data) from the interface device.
far end
The unit or units not on-site (at the customer's premises or the other end of the
data link).
forward explicit congestion notification. A bit set by a frame relay network to
notify an interface device (DTE) that congestion avoidance procedures should be
initiated by the receiving device. See also BECN.
file server
In the context of frame relay network supporting LAN-to-LAN communications,
a device connecting a series of workstations within a given LAN. The device
performs error recovery and flow control functions as well as end-to-end
acknowledgment of data during data transfer, thereby significantly reducing
overhead within the frame relay network.