61200214L1-1 IQ Probe User Manual 1
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 1
The ADTRAN IQ Probe provides the visibility and control
needed for both the physical and logical connections made in
frame relay networks. The IQ Probe provides logical layer
monitoring and management for frame relay. Each permanent
virtual circuit (PVC) accessed through an IQ Probe is managed
end-to-end as if it were a leased line connection. Real-time
statistics on throughput, bandwidth utilization, availability,
bursting, congestion, and network delay are collected and
stored. The statistics are viewable through the IQ Probe using
the front panel, the VT 100 interface, or the Frame IQ MIB
(management information base). This information can be
gathered by management systems via SNMP (simple network
management protocol) and used to monitor network health and
perform long-term network planning.
The unit's embedded SNMP agent provides complete SNMP
access to the unit. SNMP access is available through the DTE or
DCE port or through an integral SLIP (serial line internet
protocol) or PPP (point-to-point protocol) async port. The IQ
Probe also provides integrated 10baseT ethernet access for
The following are features of the IQ Probe:
• Complete and comprehensive frame relay monitoring
• Real-time measurement of bandwidth utilization, committed