Chapter 7: Replaceable Parts
Exchange Assemblies
Some assemblies are part of an exchange program with Agilent Technologies.
The exchange program allows you to exchange a faulty assembly with one that
has been repaired and performance verified by Agilent Technologies.
After you receive the exchange assembly, return the defective assembly to
Agilent Technologies. A United States customer has 30 days to return the
defective assembly. If you do not return the defective assembly within the 30
days, Agilent Technologies will charge you an additional amount. This amount is
the difference in price between a new assembly and that of the exchange
assembly. For orders not originating in the United States, contact your nearest
Agilent Technologies Sales Office for information.
See Also "To return assemblies," in chapter 6.
Replaceable Parts List
The replaceable parts list is organized by reference designation and shows
exchange assemblies, electrical assemblies, then other parts.
The exploded view does not show all of the parts in the replaceable parts list.
Information included for each part on the list consists of the following:
• Reference designator
• Agilent Technologies part number
• Total quantity included with the instrument (Qty)
• Description of the part
Reference designators used in the parts list are as follows:
• A Assembly
• E Miscellaneous Electrical Part
•F Fuse
• H Hardware
• MP Mechanical Part