Chapter 7: Replaceable Parts
H1 0515-0372 31 M3.0 x 0.50; 8 mm T10 PH (distribution board to
chassis, deck to chassis, probe shroud to acquisition
board, acquisition board to deck, probe shroud to
front panel, sleeve to chassis)
H2 0515-1035 2 M3.0 x 0.50; 8 mm T10 90° FH (line cable
assembly to chassis rear)
H3 0515-1403 20 M4.0 x 0.70; 6 mm T15 90° FH (front panel to
front frame, front frame to chassis, snap to sleeve
(accessory pouch))
H4 0515-1934 2 M2.5 x 0.45; 6 mm T8 PH (power switch interface
to fascia)
H5 0515-2306 5 M3.0 x 0.5; 10 mm T10 PH (probe cable to probe
shroud, 1690A, AD)
H6 0515-2306 4 M3.0 x 0.5; 10 mm T10 PH (probe cable to probe
shroud, 1691A, AD)
H6 0515-2306 3 M3.0 x 0.5; 10 mm T10 PH (probe cable to probe
shroud, 1692A, AD)
H6 0515-2306 2 M3.0 x 0.5; 10 mm T10 PH (probe cable to probe
shroud, 1693A, AD)
H7 54503-25701 2 Hex Nut (acquisition board BNC connectors to
probe shroud)
MP1 01660-09101 4 Ground Spring (1690A, AD)
MP1 01660-09101 3 Ground Spring (1691A, AD)
MP1 01660-09101 2 Ground Spring (1692A, AD)
MP1 01660-09101 1 Ground Spring (1693A, AD)
MP2 01680-44101 1 Pod Cover (1691A, AD)
MP2 01680-44101 2 Pod Cover (1692A, AD)
MP2 01680-44101 3 Pod Cover (1693A, AD)
MP3 01680-68701 1 Probe Shroud
MP4 01680-68702 1 Accessory Pouch
MP5 01680-94313 1 Label - Pod and Cable
MP6 01680-94314 1 Label - Certification
MP7 01690-00101 1 Deck
MP8 01690-60101 1 Chassis
MP9 01690-60201 1 Front Panel
MP10 01690-68701 1 Sleeve Assembly
MP11 01690-68702 1 Fascia Assembly (includes the following)
01680-66506 Power Switch Interface Board
Replaceable Parts
Ref. Des. Agilent Part Number QTY Description