2 Description
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Packing List
2.3 Description
• Indicators and controls
Thank you for purchasing an AKG product. This Manual contains important instructions for
setting up and operating your equipment. Please take a few minutes to read the instruc-
tions below carefully before operating the equipment. Please keep the Manual for fu-
ture reference. Have fun and impress your audience!
Check that the packaging contains all of the items listed above. Should anything be miss-
ing, please contact your AKG dealer.
The CU 4000 has been designed specifically for use with the WMS 4000/4500 system. The
CU 4000 and optional BP 4000 Battery Pack make up an intelligent powering system for
WMS 4000/4500 transmiters and IVM 4 Series receivers.
The charger provides two charging slots specially shaped to accept the HT 4000/4500 and
PT 4000/4500 transmitters, the SPR 4 portable stereo receiver, or BP 4000 Battery Pack.
The charging slots operate completely independently so you can charge two BP 4000 Bat-
tery Packs simultaneously. Although you do not need to remove the BP 4000 from the de-
vice for charging, you may also charge the BP 4000 separately.
Designed specifically for use with the WMS 4000/4500 Series transmitters, the SPR 4
portable stereo receiver, and the BP 4000 Battery Pack, the CU 4000 charger
- measures the battery capacity in mAh during each charging cycle;
- generates a flag signaling the end of the charging cycle upon reaching the deflection
point (maximum capacity);
- subtracts the self-discharge of the BP 4000 from the current capacity so the remaining
capacity will always be correctly memorized by the BP 4000. The device will apply the
correction for self-discharge as soon as it is switched on outside the charger so the de-
vice can display the correct remaining battery capacity at any time;
- counts the number of partial charging cycles and suggests a recovery cycle after
16 partial charging cycles;
- stops the charging or recovery cycle immediately if the inside temperature of the
BP 4000 is too high or too low, protecting the charger and device from damage.
The charger checks whether the batteries inserted are dry batteries, standard rechargeable
batteries, or a BP 4000 Battery Pack and will automatically deactivate the charging function
if it detects dry or standard rechargeable batteries.
There are two indicator LEDs in front of each charging slot:
• The tricolor (red/orange/green) CHARGE LED indicates the current operating status of
the charger.
1 CU 4000 charger
1 in-line power supply
(if checked on the packaging)
17CU 4000
BDA CU 4000_Hex_D030929:Layout 1 15.12.2009 15:44 Uhr Seite 17 (Schwarz/Black Auszug)