A recovery cycle takes about 8 to 10 hours.
Should the recovery cycle fail on the first run, it will be automatically repeated so the entire
cycle will take about 15 to 17 hours. If the second recovery cycle fails, too, the RECOVER LED
will start flashing red.
• You can start a recovery cycle even if you are not requested to:
- during a normal charging cycle (CHARGE is lit red);
- after the successful completion of a charging or recovery cycle (CHARGE is lit green);
- after a failed recovery cycle (refer to Table 4).
1. Press and hold the RECOVER key (the RECOVER LED will be flashing green).
2. Release the RECOVER key,
- when the RECOVER LED changes to red (if you have pressed RECOVER during a nor-
mal charging cycle) OR
- when CHARGE changes to orange (if you have pressed RECOVER after completion of
a charging or recovery cycle).
The recovery cycle will start (refer to Table 4).
(Table 4)
4 Charging
24 CU 4000
red red Recovery cycle: the
BP 4000 is being
charged for the sec-
ond time.
>red/orange< red Recovery cycle: the
BP 4000 is being
red red Recovery cycle: the
BP 4000 is being
charged once more.
green green The recovery cycle
has been success-
fully completed and
the BP 4000 is fully
charged. The
charger switches to
Remove the de-
vice/BP 4000 from
the charger.
green >red< The recovery cycle
failed. Although the
BP 4000 is fully
charged, it has aged
to the point that its
capacity cannot be
accurately calcu-
lated anymore.
Press and hold the
RECOVER key for
3 seconds to restart
the recovery cycle. If
the problem per-
sists, replace the
BP 4000.
Refer to section 7
BDA CU 4000_Hex_D030929:Layout 1 15.12.2009 15:44 Uhr Seite 24 (Schwarz/Black Auszug)