Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 51
In order to register your warranty, please fi ll in the enclosed warranty card and
return this to us. We will then send you a warranty certifi cate. This certifi cate
will entitle the owner to warranty as described below for a boiler delivered by
A.O. Smith Water Products Company B.V. in Veldhoven, that will be committed
towards the owner with respect to this.
If, within one year from the original installation date, after investigation and
exclusive evaluation by A.O. Smith, a boiler delivered by A.O. Smith turns out to
have a part, with the exception of the tank, that is not properly functioning as a
result of manufacturing or material faults, A.O. Smith will replace or repair this
If, within fi ve years from the original installation date, after investigation and
exclusive evaluation by A.O. Smith, a boiler delivered by A.O. Smith turns out
to have a stainless steel tank that is leaking as a result of rust or corrosion from
the water side, A.O. Smith will replace the entire boiler by a brand new one of
similar size and quality. The replacement boiler will have a warranty that will be
valid for the remaining period of the warranty for the original boiler delivered.
Notwithstanding the provisions in Article 2, the warranty term will be reduced
to one year after the original installation date if unfi ltered or softened water is
fl owing through the boiler or left in it.
The warranty referred to in Articles 1 and 2 only apply if the following conditions
are met:
a. The boiler is installed according to the installation instructions of A.O.
Smith for the specifi c model as well as according to the local and national
installation and building regulations, instructions and rules.
b. The boiler will remain installed in the original installation area.
c. Only drinking water is used, which is allowed to circulate freely at all
times (a separately installed heat exchanger is obligatory for heating
saline or corrosive water).
d. The tank has been protected against harmful scale deposits by means of
periodic maintenance.
e. The boiler-water temperatures do not exceed the maximum setting of the
thermostats that are part of the boiler.
f. The water pressure and/or heat load do not exceed the maximum values
indicated on the boiler’s identifi cation plate.
g. The boiler has not been installed in a corrosive atmosphere or
h. The boiler has been provided with a by an authorised body approved
protected cold supply setup of suffi cient capacity not greater than the
operating pressure indicated on the boiler and, if applicable, with a
temperature and pressure relief valve, also approved by an authorised
body, which has been mounted according to the installation instructions of
A.O. Smith applicable to the specifi c boiler model as well as according to
the local and national instructions, regulations and rules.
11.1 Warranty general
11.2 Warranty tank
11.3 Conditions
of installation
and use
11 Warranty (certifi cate)