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Sampling Rate.
Use this option to select sampling rate of your MP3 recording. To access
Sampling Rate, turn on your Jukebox Recorder by pressing ON button, press MENU button,
select Recording MP3 and press play/pause button. Arrow down to Sampling Rate and
press play/pause button. Highest sampling rate is 44.1 KHZ or use lowest 16 KHZ for lower
sampling rate. Once selection completed, press play/pause to save changes, press BACK
button to go to previous menu. Press BACK button to go to root directory.
2 / S
There are 7 options in this menu. These options are:
Use this option to adjust volume in your MP3 Recorder. To access volume, Turn
on your MP3 Recorder by pressing ON button. Press MENU button to go to menu items.
Arrow down to Sound and press play/pause button. Select volume from the menu and use
left or right arrow to adjust volume. Once your selection completed, press BACK button to
go to previous menu, Press BACK button again to go to root directory.
To access Bass, Turn on your MP3 Recorder by pressing ON button. Press MENU
button to go to menu items. Arrow down to Sound and press play/pause button. Select
Bass from the menu and use left or right arrow to adjust Bass. Once your selection
completed, press BACK button to go to previous menu, Press BACK button again to go to
root directory.