
VIDEO - Playing Video Files
Click on the Video icon in main menu, highlight the desired
video file and then click on PLAY/GO . The thumbnail
images on the right side will show you a frame from the
highlighted video file (center) as well as a frame from the file
above and the file below the highlighted one. By clicking on
the Video icon in the main menu, you will enter into a ‘video only’ mode.
Other playable file types that may be in this folder are only listed if you
enter the folder via the Browser.
To watch your videos on a television,
you must hold down the LCD/TV button
for three second. The AV400 screen
will go black and the video will be
sent out to your connected television.
Switch your television to auxiliary video
input (often found just below channel
1 – sometimes called L1 or L2). If you
don’t see a clear color image, you may
have to set your AV400 to your local
television standard (NTSC or PAL) in
the Setup > Display settings menu.