This part of the video recording will now be cut out. Fast-forward to the
center of the recording and make a Start Mark (c) where the section that
you want to suppress begins, and make an End mark (d) when it finishes.
Again, choose the CUT option and this section will be cut out. Do the same
for the final section that you want to cut out.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you pause at a given point to make a Start or End
Mark, the actual point of the cut will be the nearest I-Frame. I-Frames are special
frames in the video file which come about every one to four seconds. The editor
can cut ONLY at an I-Frame. It is thus recommended that when you pause at the
point you want to make your Start or End mark, that you click the LEFT button
once (will jump to the previous I-frame) and then click the RIGHT button (shows
the next I-frame) so that you can see your choice of I-Frames to cut at. Go to
the I-Frame you desire and then set your Mark. Trying to set a mark between I-
Frames is ineffective since the AV400 will just choose the closest I-Frame.
1. Play the file and pause
at the spot you want to
make your Start mark.
Click the RIGHT button
once, then LEFT once,
and choose the I-frame
you want for the mark.
Click on the
Edit function
button and select
2. Let the video play.
Now click on Pause at
the location you want
to mark the end of your
segment. Choose your
I-frame and then select
End Mark from the
Edit menu. You can now
click on the
Edit button
again and choose to
or Crop the specified
segment (blue portion in
the time line.)
3. Continue to mark
other segments that you
would like to delete and
use the edit Cut function.
Once satisfied with your
edits, you can Save Edit
which keeps the edit
points and allows you to
re-edit another time, or
you can Write to new
File which will create a
new edited file named