Copying CDR/BCMS Data
Issue 1 July 2006 43
To scan, press the SCAN button on the Web page. Because the scan might take some time,
refresh the page to check for progress or completion.
Note: Windows XP scanning might produce an invalid address range. When scanning
an invalid network routing address, your Net-SNMP snmpget utility version can
create a Windows XP error message. Although scanning continues automatically
and there is no consequence to the error message, the message must be closed
manually. Contact Avaya support if you encounter problems.
Copying CDR/BCMS Data
MV_CDR collects Communication Manager call detail records generated at the end of outbound
calls. MV_BCMS collects Basic Call Measurement System records generated for inbound calls
from Communication Manager to measure agents and splits/skills.
The IP Telephone File Server Application with MV_CDR and/or MV_BCMS can copy data
securely between servers using the SSL/TLSV1 protocol. For example, CDR data might need to
be captured and analyzed at both a branch office and a central site.
In this scenario, MV_CDR or MV_BCMS captures the raw data from the PBX. If the INI file
CopyToIPTel flag is set, the import part of either application copies the captured data to the
Avaya IP Telephone File Server Application CDRdata or BCMSdata subdirectories. To relay the
data between sites, the Avaya IP Telephone File Server Application must be running on both
servers with the HTTPS servers enabled.
At the sending end, the option CDRBackup or BCMSBackup must be set in the INI file
together with:
● the backup frequency in minutes/hours/days format, and
● how many days to retain the data – RetainDays. The retention days are in units of 1 day
and can be less than 1.0. For example, use “0.5” to represent 12 hours.
Data is automatically purged at both ends, with the receiving end allowing one additional week
for the data to be processed.
The sending end must be programmed with the primary and, if needed, secondary file servers
and with relevant DNS names or IP addresses set.