HeartBeat Installation and Configuration
Issue 1 July 2006 55
Disabling Auto-Start of the Daemon
By default, installing MV_IPTelD causes the daemon to start on a restart of Linux. This start and
restart are usually desirable since no manual intervention is required if the Linux server is
restarted for whatever reason. When operating in a High Availability mode, the HeartBeat
application has to decide when and if this daemon should start or stop. Therefore, it is essential
that this daemon is not enabled for auto-start. The MV_IPTel_Install.sh script does this
Use the “services” application and deselect the MV_IPTelD daemon from starting automatically
to verify that auto-start is disabled.
SNMP Configuration of IP Telephones
IP Hardphone software supports configuration parameters allowing control of SNMP servers
that can query the IP Hardphones. In a single IP Telephone File Server Application server
environment, only the IP address for this server needs to be enabled. But for a High Availability
cluster, both real IP addresses and the shared virtual IP address must be enabled.
HeartBeat Installation and Configuration
The HeartBeat application used for this document was 1.0.4, in which the HeartBeat software
makes use of the external library files PILS and STONITH. Because of HeartBeat RPM
dependencies, install all three RPM’s with a single command line such as:
rpm –Uvh heartbeat*.rpm
Three small configuration files control the HeartBeat application operation and must reside in
the “/etc/ha.d” directory.