Local Administrative Options
38 4600 Series IP Telephone Release 2.2 Installation Guide
Group Identifier
(Release 2.0 and later only)
G R O U P (4 7 6 8 7) Group Identifier on
page 48
C T I (2 8 4) Computer-Telephony
Integration (CTI) Enable/
Disable on page 49
Site-Specific Option Number S S O N (7 7 6 6) Site-Specific Option
Number Setting on
page 50
Reset the telephone R E S E T (7 3 7 3 8) Reset System Values
page 51
Restart the telephone R E S E T (7 3 7 3 8) Restart the
Telephone on page 53
Signaling protocol identifier
(Release 2.0 and later only)
S I G (7 4 4) Signaling Protocol
Identifier on page 54
Test the telephone T E S T (8 3 7 8) Self-Test Procedure on
page 56
Clear values to factory defaults C L E A R (2 5 3 2 7) Clear Procedure
page 57
Visual Alerting mode control A L E R T (2 5 3 7 8) Visual/Audible Alerting
Procedure on page 58
DHCP chaddr field value C H A D D R (2 4 2 3 3 7) Manually Setting the
DHCP Client Hardware
Address on page 59
Layer 2 frame tagging control
(4601 only)
T A G (8 2 4) Setting L2Q Tagging
Control (4601 Only) on
page 61
Local Programming Option Code See
2 of 2