Troubleshooting Guidelines
66 4600 Series IP Telephone Release 2.2 Installation Guide
PWB SN cccccccccccc
Printed Wiring Board (circuit board)
Serial Number, up to 18 ASCII
graphic characters.
ccccccccc 9 ASCII numbered characters.
00:60:1D:hh:hh:hh Each octet of the MAC address
displays as a pair of hexadecimal
L2 tagging ccccccccc Up to 9 ASCII characters.
VLAN ID cccc Up to 4 ASCII characters. Value is ID
number or “none.”
IP address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters.
Subnet mask nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters.
Router nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Up to 15 ASCII characters.
File server nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn.nnnnn Up to 21 ASCII characters: IP
address and port of last file server
used successfully.
Media server nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn.nnnnn Up to 21 ASCII characters: IP
address and port of media server
currently in use.
Group nnn Up to 3 ASCII characters.
Protocol cccccccc
Up to 8 ASCII characters.
Up to 16 ASCII graphic characters.
Out of the box, there is only one
filename.exe. After installation, there
should be two filenames. If there is
only one filename, installation has
failed. Verify the problem and then
reinstall the telephone.
Table 1: Parameter Values (continued)
Name System Value Format
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