FAS; Reviewed:
WCH 10/22/2004
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2004 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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5.1.5. Add stations
Use the add-station command to add a station for each SIP phone to be supported. Use 4620 for
the Station Type and be sure to include the Coverage Path for voice messaging if it is available.
Use the COS value specified in the previous section. The Name field is optional and is shown
on the display of the destination phone when making calls. Use default values for the other fields
on Page 1.
Note: For Outboard Proxy SIP configuration, the station extension must be different than that
administered for the Avaya Converged Communications Server. The Communication Manager
extension will be the “public” extension that users associate with their phones. The Avaya
Converged Communications Server extension will be a “private” extension that is used in the
system configuration, but is not dialed by users. To make it easy to relate the two, make the
extensions the same except for one high order digit. For example, in the following Outboard
Proxy SIP configuration, the public Communication Manager extension is 24071 and the private
Converged Communications Server extension is 23071.
add station 24071 Page 1 of 4
Extension: 24071 Lock Messages? n BCC: 0
Type: 4620 Security Code: TN: 1
Port: S00024 Coverage Path 1: 1 COR: 1
Name: Cisco 1 Coverage Path 2: COS: 1
Hunt-to Station:
Loss Group: 19 Personalized Ringing Pattern: 1
Message Lamp Ext: 24071
Speakerphone: 2-way Mute Button Enabled? y
Display Language: english Expansion Module? n
Survivable GK Node Name: Media Complex Ext:
IP SoftPhone? n
IP Audio Hairpinning? y
Interworking Message: PROGress