FAS; Reviewed:
WCH 10/22/2004
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2004 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Steps Description
4. The List Address Map page will be displayed again, this time with the updated map information.
Note that the contact for the S8300/G700 has been automatically generated.
5. To apply the administration in the above steps, click on Update on the left side of the page. This
link appears on the current page whenever updates are outstanding, and can be used at any time
to save the administration performed to that point.
5.3. Configure the Cisco 7940/7960 SIP Telephone
Now that Communication Manager and Converged Communications Server have been
administered for Outboard Proxy SIP support of the telephones, the extended feature set is
available to 7940/7960 users. To dial a number, lift the receiver (or press Speaker) and dial any
number using the dial plan centrally administered in Communication Manager on the Avaya
Media Server. To access any of the Outboard Proxy SIP features, dial the corresponding FNE.
For example, if the telephone has been defined in Communication Manager as part of a pickup
group, then dial the Call Pickup FNE (in this case 70010) to answer a call to any member of that
group. Outboard Proxy SIP features that involve an existing call (e.g., conference on answer)
will require putting that call on hold, and placing a new call using the appropriate FNE.