NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 43
Graphical displays
Configuring an agent map
You can configure an agent map to view a representation of all the agents to whom you
have access in your contact center.
• You must create the agent filter before you can assign it to the map display and save the
display. See
Creating a filter in Real-time Reporting (page 15) and Adding agent
elements to a filter (page 18)
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the Real-Time Reporting main window, from the menu, select Displays, Add
Graphical Display.
2 In the Name box, type the name of the new agent map. This is the name that appears
in the system tree. You can only use alphanumeric characters in the agent map name;
you cannot use special characters.
3 From the Server list, select the server on which to configure the agent map. You cannot
create agent map displays on the Network Control Center (NCC) server.
4 In the Element Type area, select Agent.
5 In the Presentation area, confirm that Agent Map is selected.
6 Click Edit Properties to configure the new agent map. The Agent Map Properties
dialog box appears.
7 In the Agent map title box, type the agent map name to appear at the top of the agent
map display, or accept the default name. Do not include spaces, special characters,
punctuation, or the ampersand (&) in the agent map title.
8 From the Data collection mode list, select Moving window or Interval-to-date.
9 From the Optional field list, select Position ID or Personal DN to see either in the
agent map.
10 From the Agent Name list, select how the agent name and login ID appear in the
header of each icon in Icon view. You can choose from the following options:
• agent first name, followed by last name
• agent last name, followed by first name
• agent first name and login ID
• agent last name and login ID
11 From the Linked Display list, select the display. You can choose from all the private,
public, and standard displays (both tabular and graphical) to which you have access on
the currently selected server. If you choose nothing from the Linked Display list when
you configure the agent map, the Standard Agent display appears for the same server
on which you configure the agent map when you click Linked Display.