Chapter 2 Avaya P330-ML Layer 2 CLI Commands
Avaya P330-ML Reference Guide 13
clear screen
User level: user, privileged, supervisor
Use the clear screen command to clear the current terminal display.
The syntax for this command is:
clear screen
clear secure mac
User level: user, privileged, supervisor
L If this command is to be implemented on a switch other than the stack master, a
session should be opened to the relevant switch.
Use the clear secure mac command to remove a MAC address from the CAM
table of a secured port.
The syntax for this command is:
clear secure mac <mac-address> port <mod-num>/<port-num>
P330-N# clear rmon statistics
cleared device counters
mac-address MAC address to be cleared
mod-num Module where the secured port is located
port-num Secured port number
P330-N# clear secure mac 00-10-5a-0f-5e-1c port 1/23
secure mac 00-10-5a-0f-5e-1c port 1/23 was removed.