
TC; Reviewed:
PV 04/24/2006
Avaya – Proprietary
Use as authorized only pursuant to your signed agreement or
Avaya policy. No other disclosure is permitted or authorized.
18 of 61
6.1.2. Configure Avaya Local Survivable Processors (LSP)
Local Survivable Processors (LSP) are normally configured to register directly to Avaya
Communication Manager. In the Avaya Hosted IP Telephony environment, the LSPs must be
provisioned to register to Avaya Communication Manager via the static 1-to-1 NAT IP address
of the NetScreen-25 Firewall (Figure 18) serving the VPN enterprise site. This provisioning is
performed via the LSP web GUI interface. In the following example, the LSP for site A1 is
provisioned. Each LSP must be licensed to enable the special application “SA8853 Support of
LSPs behind NAT”. Refer to section for instructions on the configuration.
1. Connect to the services port of the LSP and log into the web GUI.
2. From the GUI select “Launch Maintenance Web Interface”.
3. From the Maintenance page select “Configure Server” from the menu in the left hand
4. Select “Continue”, and then “Continue” again.
5. Select “Configure Individual Services” and select “Continue”.
6. Select “Configure LSP” and the window shown in Figure 10 will open.