Step 4. From Checkpoint Smart Dashboard application, Select Network Objects Æ Group Æ
HIPT-B1_eth4. Add the static 1-to-1 NAT called “HT_B1_LSP_StaticNat” from the Not in
Group table to the In Group table and click OK as shown in Figure 50. To activate changes
made to HIPT-B1, select Policy Æ Install from the Checkpoint SmartDashboard menu. Select
HIPT-B1 Æ OK for policy changes to be activated.
Figure 50: Group Properties
7. Verification
The following are steps that can be used to verify the configuration described in these
Application notes are correct.
• Verify the Media Gateway in the enterprise site is registered with Avaya Communication
Manager by running the “list media gateway” command from the SAT interface. The
Media Gateway form will show a “y” to the right of the screen for each Media Gateway
that is registered.
• Verify LSP IP connectivity from the enterprise site to Avaya Communication Manager.
To verify, run command “ping” from Avaya Communication Manager and Local
Survivable Processor (LSP) enterprise site. The results should have no packet loss.
• Verify the LSP in the enterprise site is registered with Avaya Communication Manager
by running the “disp lsp”command from the SAT interface. The lsp form will show
Service State (In Service) for each LSP registered to Avaya Communication Manager.
TC; Reviewed:
PV 04/24/2006
Avaya – Proprietary
Use as authorized only pursuant to your signed agreement or
Avaya policy. No other disclosure is permitted or authorized.
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