24 CCM Installer/User Guide
• The CCM1650 appliance allows up to 32 total concurrent sessions, with up to four concurrent
sessions per port.
• The CCM4850 appliance allows up to 96 total concurrent sessions, with up to four concurrent
sessions per port.
You may:
• Disable sharing. In this case, only one session per port may be active at a time.
• Enable automatic session sharing. In this case, a user will automatically be connected to a port
even if it is in use (with restrictions noted in the following examples).
• Enable session sharing with the query option. In this case, when a port is in use, the session
originator (the user who initiated the first session) must grant permission before other users are
able to join a session on that port.
Session sharing and the preemption of device sessions are also affected by a user’s configured
access level. There are three access levels, with the following hierarchy:
Appliance Administrator > Administrator > User
For example, assume user A is currently accessing a device, and user B wishes to access the same
device. If user B’s access level is equal to or higher than user A’s access level, then user B may be
allowed to preempt user A’s device session. See Access levels on page 29 for more information.
Any user may also request exclusive access to a port if there is no other existing connection to that
port. This is done on the login screen by adding the E parameter after the username or by adding the
Exclusive parameter with the Connect command.
The following examples show the interaction between share mode and access levels.
Session sharing examples
These examples illustrate session sharing and preemption for one port and two users. Assume this
port is currently in use by the session originator (SO). Another user, the requesting user (RU),
wants to connect to the same port. For simplicity, also assume that if RU is allowed to connect, it
will not exceed the maximum allowable number of sessions per port or sessions per appliance.
Example 1 - SO’s access level is higher than RU’s access level.
Share mode = Query
SO is connected non-exclusively
SO will be prompted to approve sharing the connection.
If SO approves, then RU will be connected to the port.
If SO does not approve, then RU will not be connected to the port.
Share mode = Query
SO is connected exclusively
RU will not be connected to the port.
Share mode = Disabled or Auto
RU will not be connected to the port. (In this case, it does not matter whether SO is connected
exclusively or non-exclusively.)