Chapter 5: CCM Appliance Commands 83
Show User command
The Show User command displays information about one or all users.
Access right: SMON
SHOW USER [<username>|ALL]
The Show User command display for one user includes the information in Table 5.37.
Write Community Write community name (from Server SNMP Community command).
Trap Community Trap community name (from Server SNMP Community command).
SNMP Managers
SNMP management entity IP addresses (from Server SNMP Manager command). If no
SNMP managers have been added or if they are all deleted, this field will
indicate (none).
Trap Dests Destinations for enabled SNMP traps (from Server SNMP Trap Destination command).
Enabled Traps Names of SNMP traps that have been enabled (from Server SNMP Trap command).
Table 5.35: Show Server SNMP Command Display Fields (Continued)
Field Contents
Table 5.36: Show User Command Parameter
Parameter Description
Default: user currently logged in
ALL Requests a display of all defined users.
Table 5.37: Show User Command Display Fields
Field Contents
User Username.
User’s access level. If a level was not configured, access rights determine the level:
Users with SCON access => APPLIANCEADMIN.
Users with USER or PCON but not SCON => ADMIN.
Otherwise, USER level is assigned.
Access User’s access rights.
Groups User’s groups or blank if no groups.